Marvel Comics Unlimited!: 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

X-Men Schism

Comic book fans,
This 2011 crossover sets up so much of what came in Marvel Now and the latest series. It’s got everything we loved about the 80s X-Men like the Hellfire Club and Sentinels!
The following links all open in Marvel Unlimited:
There are three trade paperbacks, all currently available on Amazon:
Until next time,
PS - Check out Amazon Prime - 30 day free trial - it costs you nothing and has a great collection of fantasy series and movies including The Avengers movie! There is no charge to your credit card if you quit within 30 days and the program also features free 2-day delivery on 100,000+ items in the Amazon catalog.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Avengers/X-Men Utopia Crossover Arc

From Wikipedia:

After a mutant riot and an anti-mutant riot in San Francisco, Norman Osborn tries to enforce peace by creating his own team of Dark X-Men to serve in much the same way the Dark Avengers did, and using both his teams to bring down the real X-Men.

This is a new classic in the X-Men story arcs. Norman Osborn never seems to die does he? This story has some great qualities and is very fast-paced so it is well worth examining, especially if you have Marvel Unlimited.

This series was followed by a series of one-shot comics each titled “Dark Reign: The List” focused on a single team or character. Some of these include The Hulk, Wolverine and The Avengers.

If you want a great recent cross over, this series from 2009 might be for you!.

Click the hyperlinks on the title name to go to the Marvel Unlimited issue (if you are a subscriber).

You can purchase the entire series on Amazon here:

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia

Shop Amazon - Free One-Day Shipping on Last Minute Gift Ideas

Until next time,


PS - Check out Amazon Prime - 30 day free trial - it costs you nothing and has a great collection of fantasy series and movies including The Avengers movie! There is no charge to your credit card if you quit within 30 days and the program also features free 2-day delivery on 100,000+ items in the Amazon catalog.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Battle of the Atom Part 4 - Uncanny X-Men #12

Free comic book code below!



This title brings us up to the point where young Jean and Scott meet up with older Scott’s X-Men to get protection from the X-Men of the present and future who are trying to send them back to their original timeline.

Free digital comics code: TMAF3JUH3V5B


Until next time,


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Uncanny X-Men #244 - Jubilee!

Dear heroes,

With the new X-Men volume coming out, we’re getting more all-girl X-Men action than we’ve seen in years.


For the first appearance of Jubilee, check out issue #244 here.


Until next time,


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Uncanny X-Men #10 - WTF?

Greetings readers,

I must say: I love the current X-Men titles by Brian Michael Bendis. Uncanny X-Men is fun and All-New X-Men is really interesting; indeed, in spite of the way they’ve realllllly gone out of their way to stretch short story arcs into many issues and separate me from even more of my money, I dig what they’re doing!

However, I have a complaint. I don’t like to call out artists and I’ve kept my mouth shut on some of the guest artist issues in spite of how bad I thought the panels looked. The latest issue of Uncanny X-Men is full of characters that are barely recognizable.

What do you guys think? Am I being overly critical or are some of these choices really horrible and disappointing?


Please share your thoughts on the artwork in the comments - and let me know (honestly) if you think I’m overly critical.


Anyway, here’s the comic book code for #10:


Enjoy - and remember to share your codes, here or on your favorite forum. My current favorite forum is the one over on Google+ -- they are great about sharing content and the members of the forum are active in discussions about all kinds of topics and many different comic book publishers. By the way, the inside artwork shown above isn’t a scan of my own book (I hate the creases from putting comics into my scanner!) and instead is from Comic Book Resources, a superb website. The original image appears here.


Until next time,


Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Morning Free Digital Comic Code - Uncanny X-Men #8

Dearest Comic Fans,

Here’s a quick code to get your week off digitally ->


The code is: TMM27QSK7S2G

Enjoy - and remember to share your codes, here or on your favorite forum. My current favorite forum is the one over on Google+.


Until next time,


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Free Digital Comic Code - What If… A vs X #2

Dear comic fans,

Are you into WHAT IF… comic books? Did you enjoy A vs X? Check this out!



An interesting series, especially the finale in #4 -- here’s a digital comic code for issue #2:


Hope you enjoy it!

Until next time,


Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Utopia Crossover - Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men!!

Dearest readers,
Sorry for the delay in CROSSOVER ARC link lists, but I’m finally back at it for August and here’s a fun one - the Utopia arc.
After a ballot initiative for limiting reproductive rights of mutants is proposed, all hell breaks loose. Check out this reading order courtesy of the fine folks at Uncanny X-Men dot Net.
Utopia Chapter 1 -> Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men: Utopia
Interlude -> X-Men Legacy #226 and #227
Utopia Chapter 2 -> Uncanny X-Men #513
Utopia Chapter 3 -> Dark Avengers #7
Utopia Chapter 4 -> Uncanny X-Men #514
Utopia Chapter 5 -> Dark Avengers #8
Utopia Chapter 6 -> Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men: Exodus
I hope you find the story as interesting as I have. This is a pretty interesting story IMHO, with some great art like the panel below.


The Kindle version is available on Amazon, but the paperback and hard cover versions are only available through third parties at much higher costs. Click the image below for more information!


Until next time,

UPDATE: Check out the Confession for even more behind-the-scenes Emma Frost/Scott Summers stuff!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Getting Back to Crossovers Soon - One More Kitty Pryde Post First

Dearest comic book fans,

You know I adore Kitty, but I’m not alone. FULL OF PRYDE is a cool blog that shows the FULL OF PRYDE art auction, featuring artwork inspired by Kitty Pryde!

Here are some of the images from the blog, but you’ll have to go there to enjoy them all!







Until next time,


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kitty Pryde - Artwork

Dear readers,

You know by now that I adore Kitty Pryde. She was a kid when I was a kid and I loved her development as a character. She’s still a kid in some of the books and over the years has appeared as a more mature young woman and it’s definitely fun to look back at all the different styles (versions?) of Kitty from the various animated cartoons and all of the series by Marvel.

With that, I’m sharing some of my favorite Kitty Pryde pictures and links to the original sources where possible.


Until next time,
















Cosplay Fun?

I’m becoming a big fan of cosplayers - there are some people making a living posing in costumes and selling prints, and I’m all for people making a living doing what they love (I know I do, and I’m sad for anyone who doesn’t).

Here’s a great link for cool supplies for cosplaying - check them out for neat instructions on using advanced plastics, polymer clays and even fiberglass to make cool costumes.


I’m including some of my FAVORITE cosplay pictures from the past few years. I hope you guys will post links in the comments about your favorites too. Side note: let’s keep the comments clean - we all know that if a cosplayer is hot what someone turned on by them wants to do - ya don’t need to say it!

I’ve even included a couple of men for my female readers and others who might be so inclined (not that there is anything wrong with that).


Until next time,


















Check out for some great pictures from the New York 2012 Comic Con. Please share any links to cool cosplay websites and galleries in the comments!

Get cosplay costumes on Amazon here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Marvel Unlimited - User Interface Upgrade!

Finally, the user interface is easier to navigate. Check out the PREV and NEXT links with drop down views of the issues’ covers ->




Until next time,


Sunday, June 23, 2013

X-Men Family Tree (FUN!)

Someone sent me this on Facebook, and I thought it is worth sharing. I hope you like it too!


Remember, a great place to buy comics online is the website of Lone Star Comics. Click here for a complete listing of all the X-Men related titles (including trade paperbacks) available there.


Of course, I still highly recommend Marvel Unlimited for the low cost $60/year unlimited access to 10,000+ issues of Marvel comic books.
